Coming back to you

I spent more money than I care to confess on experts telling me everything would be ok. There were quite a few years doing jobs that were at times fun, rewarding and interesting, but that I was not in love with. I had a pretty low opinion of myself, my abilities and my potential, even though I felt generally confident and secure. In May 2012 I realized that something had to change, that I was the one that had to do it and that it was possible. In a summer filled with dramatic plot twists, cats and allergies and unexpected proposals I figured out what my purpose was and life started to make sense to me.

Since then I have been utterly convinced that we must do the work to understand ourselves and actively work towards the life we want to live, and feel the way we want to feel. Motherhood has only deepened my desire for practices that help me feel grounded and connected to myself. This is what I support my clients in finding for themselves.

“I trusted the tapping and Terena so easily, and it worked a treat –  I relaxed and was truly able to feel lighter.  My 6-8 out of 10 level of sadness lifted so easily! It was a powerful lesson for me to learn first hand, not just intellectually, that we are the masters of our own emotions, and that we can do something about them from within ourselves, regardless what is happening for us externally. It’s helped me daily since I did the tapping with Terena, both in my professional life, and my personal life.  Pure gold! 

I would definitely recommend a session to anyone else, because it works, simple as that.  Terena is extremely intuitive and able to adapt quickly to what’s happening for you NOW, not just what you think you should be dealing with. This is so important because it may block your ability to deal with something you know you need to deal with.  For example, if you’d like to let go of a long held limiting belief, you’ll find it difficult if you’re distracted with something that’s bothering you, even if you think it’s trivial. Terena can see right through it, and get to the heart of the problem incredibly quickly and effectively.”

-Mariska Anderson, Life Coach



Life happens, we make decisions but we forget to nurture our connection to ourselves. We put others first and then wonder why our nervous system is high-jacked and we feel overwhelmed.

We often know rationally that something needs to change and we even know what that is but we cannot manage to change it. We don’t know how to deal with our emotions and mixed with all the luggage we are carrying from past experiences, reason alone cannot get us unstuck.

I believe it’s absolutely worth it to take the time to go deep on the things holding us back. To know ourselves enough to find the practices that can keep us connected to our desires and intuitions, those that can help keep the overwhelm at bay and allow us to be our truest, most powerful selves. I know this does not have to take years and I have the tools to support you and hold space for you to work through the obstacles where you will feel shifts right away.

“I practice EFT regularly (in my personal life and with my clients), so I’m used to the typical physical responses such as yawning, getting super thirsty and feeling equal parts high on adrenaline and needing to sleep for a week. This chick knows her stuff. She had me yawning within 3 minutes of tapping (a sure sign of energy shifting) and she is HIGHLY intuitive.

Terena asked me a few questions, and it just snowballed from there. She intuitively knew where to take the session, and got me to face some hard truths that I had been trying to ignore. BUT, no more of that. I feel energized/ sleepy and SO ready for the next step!

She’s super cool, perfectly lovely and has an AWESOME accent that I am about 80% jealous of.

Seriously, work with her now. 
No, like seriously.”

–Dani Mari Turcotte

In my work I use Life Coaching tools, my intuition and EFT/Tapping to support you in moving from stress and confusion to clarity and peace. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is my absolute favourite tool and my love for it began when I started using it in my own life on everything from releasing migraines and allergies to shifting guilt, anxiety and fears that were holding me back. 

EFT is the most powerful technique that I have found to manage emotions and to reduce the emotional load generated by traumas, fears and limiting beliefs. It is characterized by two elements:

1. It is a meridian-based therapy, like acupuncture (which has existed for more than 5,000 years) and acupressure, in which certain points on the body are stimulated, only unlike acupuncture, pressure is applied here by yourself with your fingers, no needles are used.

2. It works on the connection between mind and body. In addition to finger pressure, it has a verbal component that is about expressing and accepting what we are feeling. That element makes all the difference and makes the technique more powerful.

The emotional burdens we feel prevent us from seeing clearly and feeling at peace. EFT allows, through pressure on 9 points on the body and verbalizing what we are feeling, relief and clarity regarding the issue that we are working on.


How to work with me…

 Please write to me at if you are interested in learning more about working with me. Please let me know your time zone and availability so we can arrange a free consultation call in which we can determine whether we are a good match. If we are, I will then provide options so you can make a decision.